Saturday, August 30, 2008

You've never seen a work at home

n 1996 the world changed. In 1996 families began having the important option of finding REAL work at home jobs easily, without getting scammed, thanks to the birth of America's first honest work at home company.

That first honest work at home company was us and we are still the only truly scam-free work at home company in the United States.

We're based in the beautiful city of San Antonio, Texas but you'd have a hard time finding us if you came to visit since our company is 100% home-based! Our business model involves home-based employees and contractors all over the U.S. (That's why you hear so many clicks on the line if you call our office and your call is transferred.) Our company hires home-based labor whenever possible.

Everyone who works for our company works at home.

Our company is a strong advocate for what we believe is a healthier, less-stressful, more sensible, environmentally-friendly lifestyle of home-based employment and we are proud proponents of family values. We believe that children need and deserve a stable, loving environment in which to learn, grow and become who they will be, and that parents should be able to stay home to love and raise their children if they so choose. Schools and day care centers are wonderful. But they are no substitute for loving and supportive parental influence.

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